Hi all --

I'm trying to use Dreamweaver's Coldfusion Login Wizard, and I chose the Simple 
Authentication option as well as the Coldfusion login page option. 

When I try to use it, I keep getting the "Your login information is not valid. 
Please try again." error message.

I've searched through the files the wizard creates, and found the following in 
the mm_wizard_application_include.cfm that the wizard creates:

    <!--- Authentication Type ---->
    <cfset args.authtype = "Simple">
    <cfset args.suser = "myUsername">
    <cfset args.spwd = "<Head>">

I didn't say I wanted <Head> to be the password, and I got the error message 
whether I used the password I had supplied or <Head>.

Have any of you run into this problem, and if so, were you able to fix it?

Scott Williams 

> From: Brook Davies <cft...@logiforms.com>
>To: cf-talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com> 
>Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 9:44 AM
>Subject: RE: Ram Disk problem under load
>Hi Pete,
>I don't think its possible because the ram disk size is set to 500 megs, and
>this was only 10 concurrent users!  I have another test with 100 cuncurrent
>users running tonight and I guess we'll see what happens though I am sure
>this is going to be an issue. I added a try/catch around the write/read and
>am them attempting to do it again, so I guess we'll see what happens. 
>Maybe I should reduce the size allocated to the ram disk?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pete Freitag [mailto:p...@foundeo.com] 
>Sent: February-22-12 9:35 AM
>To: cf-talk
>Subject: Re: Ram Disk problem under load
>Another thing to consider is that the Ram disk has a size limit specified in
>the ColdFusion administrator. Is it possible that the write failed (perhaps
>silently) because the ram disk was full.
>Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional http://foundeo.com/ - ColdFusion
>Consulting & Products http://petefreitag.com/ - My Blog http://hackmycf.com
>- Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?
>On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 3:12 AM, Brook Davies <cft...@logiforms.com> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> Did some very light pre-load testing yesterday in preparation for a 
>> larger test tomorrow. This limited load threw some errors. I'm writing 
>> to the in memory file system some CFML code, that I then cfinclude to
>execute it.
>>  Its
>> pretty straight forward code, and this was under very little load (10 
>> concurrent users only).
>> Note: I have an application mapping for the ram disk in application.cfc:
>> <cfset this.mappings[ "/ram" ]              = "ram://" />
>> And then in the problem code:
>> ---------------------------------
>> <!--- set the filename to a unique name ---> <cfset filename = 
>> 'wildcardparsing-#createUUID()#.cfm'>
>>        <!--- write the file --->
>>        <cffile action="write" output="#cfml#" file="ram://#filename#"/>
>>        <!--- include and execute the cfml --->
>>        <cfinclude template="/ram/#filename#" />
>> <!--- clean up --->
>> <cffile action="delete" file="ram://#filename#"/>
>> ---------------------------------
>> The error I got was:
>> Could not find the included template
>> /ram/wildcardparsing-66031760-EEDC-69FB-8F2EFEC77564096A.cfm.
>> I got a similar error in another template on a different execution 
>> that uses similar code to generate the CFML for a CFDOCUMENT tag and 
>> then writes it to ram disk and includes. I have never seen this error 
>> in development it only started happening under a wee bit of load. What 
>> could be the problem? The In memory file system is set to 500 megs in 
>> the cfadmin (which is probably overkill..). Would a garbage collection 
>> before the include had been completed cause this to happen?
>> Brook

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