> The best solution, in my opinion, is to switch to J2EE sessions,
 > assuming you can invest the time and effort to do that.

I'm having almost the exact same problem. My login system, had been 
working perfectly (CF8) until we moved everything to a new server with 
CF10 on it.

Now, Chrome will log you out as fast as you can log in.
The only exception is if I set - addtoken="yes" to the URLs. The second 
it hits a URL without the token, you're out. Not good.

<cfapplication name="SiteADMIN"
   clientstorage="cookie" >

<!--- Define that this user is logged out by default --->
<CFPARAM NAME="session.isADMIN" DEFAULT="false">

<!--- Define this user id to zero by default  --->
<CFPARAM NAME="session.thisUSER" DEFAULT="0">

So considering the above - what, in theory, would be the exact 
consequences in switching to J2EE sessions? I don't this there would be 
that much code that would need to be changed. I'm simply checking that 
session.isADMIN is true in my application file.  I admittedly don't have 
a super-technical understanding of exactly how things have changed 
between CF8 and CF10.

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