I somehow never had occasion to do this using a CF built-in function, but
would like to by-pass entering some of the optional parameters and use

Specifically I've created a caching region, and will just be using the
defaults for the time-outs.

CachePut(id, value, [timeSpan], [idleTime], [region], [throwOnError]);

So I'd like to just do something similar to this:

CachePut(id=x, value=v, region='myregion');

This doesn't work of course. I also tried, argumentCollection without

I'm assuming this is just the way life is and will have to do something to
just pass the region defaults.

cachePut(id, val, CacheGetProperties('myregion').TIMETOIDLESECONDS,
CacheGetProperties('myregion').TIMETOLIVESECONDS, 'myregion');

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect

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