> so we have some people at the top here wanting us to switch from cf to
> groovy.
> i have no control other then will support all apps until this thing happens.
> so was curious if any one here has done any groovy stuff, and what advice
> they could give to a old man who has done cf since 1998.
> i don't want to learn it. but have to.
> so any good books or resources that you know of?
> hoping it doesn't happen, or that i find another cf shop before it does.

A bunch of other people have already replied about the positive value
of learning new things. Remember, this is an industry where you
constantly have to learn new things! Getting paid to learn them
on-the-job is the best possible thing for you, personally.

That said, it may not actually be the best thing for your employer,
simply because the value of existing code is very, very high, as is
the cost of rebuilding applications in a new language. So, you might
want to ask your employer what value they expect to get from this?

Honestly, as a consultant, I see this "we're going to rewrite all our
language X applications in language Y", and it's usually just a way
for consultants (like me!) to make money while providing very little
actual value to the organization making the switch. It's true when
people rewrite other applications in CF, and it's true when people
rewrite CF applications in something else. The best approach is to
build new applications in the new environment, and move old
applications to the new environment when they need significant changes
that would be expensive to implement even in CF.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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