> I am not understanding the variables part?
> Do I create a local var? Can you give me the exact syntax?

Every variable scope in CF can be treated as a structure. So, if you do this:

<cfset myname = "Bob">

it's equivalent to doing this:

<cfset variables.myname = "Bob">

and this:

<cfset variables["myname"] = "Bob">

The last example shows a literal string being used to create the
variable name. You can build literal strings from CF expressions:

<cfset i = "1">
<cfset variables["myname" & i] = "Bob">

That's what Bobby did in his example.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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