> No I didn't. How do I uninstall a connector? (Given that I don't really 
> understand what a connector is.)

It's the thing that ... connects ... your web server to CF. When a
request is received, your web server sends it to the connector, which
sends it to CF.

> I read a post of yours elsewhere also suggesting using the bultin web server. 
> My rationale for staying
> with IIS is that I want to test on a system very similar to what it will be 
> deployed on. I also have a
> Microsoft Access app to test eventually and I need to confirm that the app 
> works in this environment
> before the ISP cuts it over.

Well, honestly, that's a good rationale but if you don't understand
how the system works it might be a little unrealistic. In any case,
unless you're doing something IIS-specific within your CFML code, you
generally don't need to bother with an external web server. I used to
carefully set up CF with IIS, but eventually realized it wasn't worth
the effort.

I'm not sure what you mean by "a Microsoft Access app", but if you
mean a CF app that uses Access, that will work the same way on the
built-in web server as it would with IIS. And if you mean something
else, you could use IIS to test that something else and use the
built-in web server to test CF.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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