Speaking of 10, for anyone who manages a CF server or has a license
for Builder 2, go download the installers and put them somewhere safe
before they disappear on May 14.


On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:58 AM, Russ Michaels <r...@michaels.me.uk> wrote:
> it felt that way with CF10 as well, I have not even bothered with CF10, and
> that was before I moved to Railo.
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Justin Scott <leviat...@darktech.org>wrote:
>> > I just don't get Adobe at all. I'm so disappointed in them.
>> The tone of the announcement blog entry pretty much sums it up...  the
>> new features don't excite me.  They list mobile development, language
>> enhancements, new PDF engine, and security enhancements as the big new
>> features.  The mobile integration is arguably the "big" feature for
>> this release.  I suppose that will be useful for some people.
>> The big tell, though, is the specific mention of Java 7 Update 55.
>> They mention it's a big important release for Java 7, but it's not
>> included in the initial installers because they're working out some
>> installer integration bug (presumably with Oracle), so Update 51 is
>> included for now and they'll update the installers later.  Likewise,
>> "The Linux support for the new PDF engine in ColdFusion 11 will be
>> available through an update within the next few weeks."
>> By word count, they actually spend more time talking about what isn't
>> actually in the release yet (Java Update 55 and The Linux PDF update)
>> and that the CF10 / CFB2 installers will only be available for another
>> couple of weeks.
>> It feels like the ColdFusion team just flat ran out of time; that not
>> everything was ready but they had a hard deadline and had to ship
>> regardless.  I'm glad Adobe is continuing to support the product, but
>> I've never felt so "meh" about a release (and I've been using CF since
>> version 4).
>> -Justin

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