We're using CFHTTP to query a java service. The system basically takes a
piece of text and posts it via CFHTTP to a custom service written in Java.
The problem is occuring because CF doesn't seem to be setting the character
encoding correctly. Consequently special characters like smart quotes are
becoming garbled.

My cfhttp code is very simple:

<cfhttp method="post" url="
port="#application.SemxPort#" charset="utf-8">
<cfhttpparam type="body" value="#params.cleantext#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="content-type" value="text/html">

On the java side, our dev is using getCharacterEncoding() to return the
character encoding of the request, but it's coming back with "null" which
according to the docs means: "the request does not specify a character

But I'm specifically setting the charset as utf-8 :(

What am I missing here?

Has anyone seen similar behaviour with CFHTTP and if so how did you resolve
it? Or it's possible that I'm doing something wrong with my CFHTTP tag but
the code is so simple it seems unlikely.

If anyone has any ideas I would be most grateful for your insight :)

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