Hi all,

I'm attempting to create a dynamic query name inside a Custom Tag.

It seems to get created fine, but referencing it seems to be the problem.

Here's where I set it up:

<cfquery name="ConvertedFields_#attributes.QueryName#" dbtype="query">

So, yes, it's a Query of Query, if that makes a difference.

But when I try to reference it later, like this:

<cfdump var="ConvertedFields_#attributes.QueryName#">


<cfdump var="#ConvertedFields_[attributes.QueryName]#">


<cfdump var="#ConvertedFields_['#attributes.QueryName#']#">

It always errors out with "Variable CONVERTEDFIELDS_ is undefined."

I know I'm missing something simple here.  My brain is not recalling how 
to handle these. :-)

Any help is appreciated.

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