maybe he's a bot? he has no follow through. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 21, 2014, at 7:37 PM, Russ Michaels <> wrote:
> I think I would have to agree.
> He is just posting every single error here and expecting everyone to just
> fix his code for him
>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:32 AM, M.A. Kruger <> wrote:
>> Matt Q and everyone. I think it might be time to cut matt loose I think
>> he's mostly pulling our chain. he certainly doesn't engage with the list in
>> any way that makes me think he's trying. I'm perfectly fine helping
>> beginners but.... this is a bit much. perhaps we should ask Mike D to
>> remove him?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jul 21, 2014, at 6:53 PM, Matt Quackenbush <>
>>> wrote:
>>> I am trying really, really, really, really hard to not be rude here, but
>>> there's no way you can have 15 years of CF experience as you've claimed
>> in
>>> other threads. Each thread you've posted recently has displayed an
>> absolute
>>> dearth of information with which we can even attempt to help you, but
>>> they've also displayed an absolute clear lack of any troubleshooting
>> effort
>>> of your own. We **WANT** to help people; it's why we are on these mailing
>>> lists. However, you ___must___ be willing to help yourself, first. We are
>>> not your own personal help desk.
>>> Please review the following links and then report back.
>>> My apologies if I've incorrectly remembered the CF version you're using;
>> I
>>> believe you previously said CF9, so that's the link I provided. If it's
>>> another version, links to the documentation are readily available by
>>> Googling "CF {version number} documentation".
>>> Thanks.
>>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Matthew Smith <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface
>>>> site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com.cfcs.qrystodatabase. Ensure that the
>>>> name is correct and that the component or interface exists.  The error
>>>> occurred in *D:/home/
>>>> <>: line 164*
>>>> *Called from* D:/home/ line
>> 48
>>>> *Called from* D:/home/
>>>> line 191
>>>> *Called from* D:/home/
>>>> line 33
>>>> *Called from* D:/home/
>>>> line 1
>>>> *Called from* D:/home/ line 9
>>>> *Called from* D:/home/ line
>> 61
>>>> 162 :   <cfargument name="app_user_id" type="numeric" required="no"
>>>> default="0">
>>>> 163 :   <cfargument name="cfuserid" type="string" required="no"
>>>> default="">*164 :   <cfobject
>>>> component="#request.cfcpath#qrystodatabase" name="qry" />*
>>>> 165 :   <cfset qry_unlock_items_for_paypal =
>>>> qry.qry_unlock_items_for_paypal(
>>>> app_user_id="#arguments.app_user_id#", cfuserid="#arguments.cfuserid#"
>>>> ) />
>>>> 166 : </cffunction>
>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> chedder is bedder

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