Unless you were using evaluate (column) name inside another query somewhere
I am not aware of how that could be used for an injection
On Aug 15, 2014 1:51 PM, "Stephens, Larry V" <steph...@iu.edu> wrote:

> Using information from a Ben Nadel atricle, jsStringFormat(
> htmlEditFormat()) seems to be catching insertions like <b> and escaping
> them.
> However, I have tried a number of regex routines from
> http://www.symantec.com/connect/articles/detection-sql-injection-and-cross-site-scripting-attacks
> plus another from a CF article that I can't place at the moment, to catch
> statements like "select * from tblX" inserted into a text field. None of
> them seem to work.
> The number of articles and pages making recommendations and giving
> examples is overwhelming. Can someone provide a suggestion for protecting a
> site in addition to what I got from Nadel and using ScriptProtect?

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