So what is the specific error? Is it in CF or Excel. If Excel are you getting 
this message?
""The file you are trying to open, '[filename]', is in a different format than 
specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is 
from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file 
now?"  (Yes | No | Help)"

If so there's a new security "feature" in Excel  According to this MSDN blog:
"The alert is a new security feature in Excel 2007 called Extension Hardening, 
which ensures that the file content being opened matches the extension type 
specified in the shell command that is attempting to open the file. Because the 
MIME types listed above are associated with the .XLS extension, the file must 
be in XLS (BIFF8) file format to open without this warning prompt. "

The solution is to use the newer spreadsheet functions and upgrade to a more 
recent version of CF  or Railo. This might be a good idea anyhow since CF8 is 
being EOL'd by the end of the year.

These two sites offer some solutions if you cannot use the new Spreadsheet 
functions in CF, however the solutions are not all that pretty.


>I've got an application running on CF8 that's been successfully 
>generating Excel reports for a good amount of time.
>Recently, the user upgraded Office (using 2013 now) - and now it no 
>longer functions for them.
>Pretty simple stuff:
><cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
><cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=report.xls">
><cfcontent type="application/"><cfoutput>
><!--- table of crap goes here --->
>... with cftry and things where needed to catch errors...
>I don't use Excel on my machine, but the file opens perfectly for me in 
>Open Office Calc - just as it has been for years.
>For the user though - file is pushed to them as normal, Excel opens - 
>and THEN you get a generic error (Something like "Sorry, there's been an 
>error") - which doesn't tell you anything...
>Kinda at a loss. What am I missing? Is there some security setting 
>inside Excel that's changed from one version to the next that needs 
>tweaking, or what? 

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