
I am looking for some assistance on searching for data ranges.

On my search form I have the following two ranges to search on:

<INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Datethen" VALUE="#dateFormat(Now()-7)#"> TO <INPUT 
TYPE="Text" NAME="Datenow" VALUE="#dateFormat(Now())#">
<INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="OfficeIDA"> TO <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="OfficeIDB">

When I submit the form I am looking for records with a specific date range and office 
id range.

I reassign the OfficeID values on the action page:

<CFSET StartSort=form.OfficeID1>
<CFSET EndSort=form.OfficeID2>

and then use the following query:

WHERE tblReferrals.dteRefDate BETWEEN #createodbcdate(form.Datethen)#
AND #createodbcdate(form.Datenow)# AND tblReferrals.strRefOfficeIDFK BETWEEN 
#StartSort# AND #EndSort#

The Date range search works but I am having difficulties with the Start and End 
variables.  When I enter values into the OfficeID fields and receive an odbc error 
"Invalid column name".

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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