Try CF Static (, it appends a unique string
to the end of the file requests, which forces browsers to load the newer
version. You can have it compress all your CSS and JS files or simply use
it deliver your files.

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 11:05 AM, <> wrote:

> I wonder why browsers caching Javascript and CSS files at least do not
> check if the date of the file on the server is still the same as the one in
> their cache.
> Since I implemented a Javascript errors log, I catch many errors showing
> that the old file in the cache was used days after the error was corrected,
> even with Google Bot! (yeah, Google Bot reads and executes scripts).
> This page :
> expose the problem and gives many solutions.
> I wonder if one could develop an even better solution using ColdFusion?
> Any ideas?

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