> ...
> <cfcache action = "cache" timespan = "#createtimespan(0,0,2,0)#">
>           <cffeed action="read" source="#rssUrl#" query="entriesNews" 
> properties="info" timeout = "180">
> ...
> For Application Server Caching, we have Cache Template in Request and Save 
> Class Files enabled. Since lot of files are in ColdFusion,
> Trusted Cache is disabled.
>  I added a basic cache so that the server running ColdFusion 9 reaches out to 
> the server hosting Wordpress site every 2 minutes
>  1. If 10(or 1000) people visit the webpage in an hour, where the above code 
> exists, will it connect to the server hosting Wordpress site every 2 minutes 
> for the RSS feed?

Not necessarily. Assuming it starts with nothing in the cache, the
first request will cause CF to fetch the RSS feed and store it for two
minutes. Any subsequent requests in those two minutes will read from
the cache. After those two minutes, the next request will again cause
CF to fetch the RSS feed and store it for two more minutes.

>  2. Or, will it be sooner if the RSS feed on WordPress changes between the 2 
> minute interval?

No, it will not be sooner. CF has no way of knowing whether the RSS
feed changed without fetching it, which would defeat the point of

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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