Looking for help. We currently run CF9 on windows and run it in distributive 
mode. I set this up by installing coldfusion on one server(using JRUN to run 
multiple instances), setup a cluster.. then copy the wsconfig.jar file to the 
IIS web server, install the JRE on web server then run the java -jar 
wsconfig.jar to load to the web config tool.. I then would enter the host name 
of the coldfusion box.. it would display the cf cluster on the coldfusion box.. 
then I would choose the website I wanted to add the coldfusion mapping to.. and 
all would be good.

I am currently trying to setup CF11 in this configuration and am having 
trouble.. A. finding any documentation on this for CF11
B. getting it to work ..

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 

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