For anyone who stumbles across this post, I thought I should add the closure as 
I now understand it.

First of all, the duplicate CFID and CFTOKEN was not the problem I thought it 
was. It confused matters, but it seems that most browsers can tolerate it, even 
though it makes no sense to me.

I eventually found that browsers were losing the CFID/CFTOKEN values and as a 
result could not locate the session variables and that is what caused the 
problem. And for the most part it happened in IE, but was not consistent. Some 
IE11 systems failed all the time while others were sporadic and some ran fine. 

I found a couple of postings that said for security reasons you should now use 
J2EE Session Variables on the ColdFusion Administrator Memory Variables page 
and that would improve security and mean that CFID/CFTOKEN were no longer used 
so I tried it. And it worked. My ISP had not set that value but as soon as they 
did, everything worked perfectly again. 

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