Here was a JDBC driver that I found that supposedly works with FoxPro,
StelsDBF ( I've never used them
before, but they have a demo version of the driver that you can download.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Arden Weiss <> wrote:

> Need advice on what database drivers work well with CF10 and the old
> FoxPro for DOS DBF files. Back in the CF
> Client has app that has been running flawlessy since 2000 or so using CF5
> and the ODBC drivers that came with the product to process credit card
> transactions via -- back in the CF6 days, I failed to find
> a JDBC driver that played nicely with the DBF files -- hope that has
> changed.
> Recently flaws in the SSL3 security (POODLE) caused authnet to drop
> support for SSL3 and hence broke the application -- we now will be using
> CF10 with Java 1.7 and TSL1.2 to solve that problem, but we need solid
> support for DBF file update until the whole system gets rewritten/changed.
> Any/all advice requested.

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