Dave Watts wrote:
> > <cfset variables.nickname = Iif( (arguments.nicknameInd NEQ 0) AND 
> > (IsDefined("importData.nickname")),
> > De(importData.Nickname), De(""))>
> CF is going to verify that the variable exists, because you're referring to 
> it.
> That's what's happening here. Just because you're using the DE() function 
> doesn't mean that CF isn't going to evaluate importData.nickname at runtime
> to verify that there's actually something called importData.nickname in case 
> it needs to reference that value.


Thanks for the reply.  My misuse of terminology aside, that would mean that the 
following cannot be converted to using IIF():

        <cfif IsDefined("importData.nickname")>
                <cfset variables.nickname = importData.nickname>
                <cfset variables.nickname = "">

I thought the whole point of the DE() function was to delay evaluation of its 
argument until it was actually needed (e.g., when the IIF() function's first 
argument evaluates to true).  If not, then the only way to use a variable, that 
may not be defined, is by way of the full <cfif> treatment.  Is that right?

Mosh Teitelbaum

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