I would view the source to see if the subsequent form edit has line breaks.
If not this would indicate the data is not being saved as it was entered.

You could also copy and paste the data out of the database into notepad or
something, to see how the data is actually being stored.
On Mar 8, 2015 1:52 PM, "Mark Spence" <markpence...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know if this specifically a CF question so sorry if it is
> considered OT.
> I have an admin section of the site that lets the owner add and edit
> items/products.  I am having an issue with the description field where the
> newline/enter key input is being lost when editing an entry.
> To give more detail, we have a product description saved in the db like so:
> "This is product description1.
> This is paragraph 2.
> This is paragraph 3"
> I am using the tag ParagraphFormat2.cfm from cflib and the output is
> working fine on the product page.
> However, when the owner goes to edit the item, and the description is
> pulled from the db, it appears like this:
> "This is product description1.This is paragraph 2.This is paragraph 3"
> After saving the item the text now appers on the product page without any
> paragraph breaks as a single paragraph.
> So if the owner wants to make any edits to the item they have to reformat
> the description re-adding the paragraph breaks.
> I tried adding htmleditformat() with no luck.
> Here is the tag:
> <td><textarea name="productDescription" rows="10"
> cols="39">#htmleditformat(attributes.itemForm.productDescription)#</textarea></td>
> Any ideas?  I would really appreciate it.  Thank you.

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