I like ColdSpring. I like having "XML documentation" for that layer of my
codebase.  As such, I have several sites that I don't plan to migrate to
DI/1 or WireBox.  I also do a lot of Java consulting work, and switching
from Spring (Java) to ColdSpring (CFML) is less painful for my brain. :)
That being said, lots of people like DI/1 and Wirebox, but all you'd "gain"
by moving to them is being able to say "yes we're now using DI/1 instead of

I don't see why ColdSpring would be more likely to break from a future CF
update than any other library.  One should always test code when changing
flavors of CF, that's not specific to ColdSpring.

Personally, I'd leave the site alone at least for now.  Future projects, I
consider DI/1 or Wirebox, depending on the stack and requirements.  I'm
also semi-secretly hoping someone maintains ColdSpring moving forward, but
I'm probably in the minority on that.

2 cents. Hope that helped.


PS. Shameless plug! I'm giving a talk at dev.Objective() titled "Dependency
Injection: Why Is It Awesome and Why Should I Care?" Ya'll should come
watch! :)

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Dean Lawrence <dean...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been using ColdSpring for a good number of years and it is pretty much
> a part of almost every site that I have developed. When trying to access
> http://coldspringframework.org/ to look at the docs, I get a service
> unavailable error. It was like this when I tried to access it about a month
> ago as well. Is the site defunct?
> I know that the project has not been worked on for some time, so my
> question is, should I consider migrating my sites to another dependency
> injection solution? If so, which would you suggest? I've briefly looked at
> Wirebox and DI/1, but have never put either one into play. Also, what kind
> of work am I looking at to convert my existing sites? The thought of doing
> this gives me heartburn, but I don't want to have to scramble if some
> future CF or Java update breaks ColdSpring.
> I appreciate any input.
> Dean

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