Its not necessarily saying the method doesn't exist, it is saying it
doesn't exist with the arguments and/or argument TYPEs you are giving it.
Look at the types in the dump of the method you mentioned and try to
javacast() your values to match those types when passing them in.

example: opendesign(javacast('string',thisfile), javacast('int',0))

...assuming that it is actually expecting a simple string and int.

If that doesn't work, try posting the method dump or (if you have it) a
working.NET example of how it is used.

On 3/25/15, 8:28 AM, "Charles Sheehan-Miles" <>

>I have a problem I wanted to run by the list.  I’m recently back in the
>coldfusion world after a several year hiatus.  I’m in the process of
>trying to access the methods of a .net component, at this point as a
>proof of concept. Once I can do something with it I’ll actually start
>building the app.
>I set up the object like this:
>            <cfset dll = ExpandPath('./com/Interop.CADXLib.dll')>
>            <cfobject
>                class="CADXLib.CadX"
>                type=".NET"
>                name="cadx"
>                assembly="#dll#”>
>That’s in my application.cfc, in the onRequestStart() method. Then in
>my index.cfm I call:
>    <cfdump var="#cadx#”>
>The object dumps just fine. I can see all the internal methods, including
>the one I need to get things going, the OpenDesign() method, which (in
>theory) opens a local file and reads the contents.
>So next I set the actual filename I want to access:
><cfset thisfile="1571269P01R01_ARTIOS.ARD">
><cfset thispath=getDirectoryfromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())>
><cfset thisfile=thispath & thisfile>
>This works, and outputting “thistfile” gives me the correct path
>location.  So now I call the actual method:
><cfset result=cadx.OpenDesign(thisfile,0)>
>That’s where I get stuck. I get this error:
>Either there are no methods with the specified method name and argument
>types or the OpenDesign method is overloaded with argument types that
>ColdFusion cannot decipher reliably. ColdFusion found 0 methods that
>match the provided arguments. If this is a Java object and you verified
>that the method exists, use the javacast function to reduce ambiguity.
>I javacast the arguments and get the same error. Method not found. But
>based on the dump, the method is clearly there.
>Has anyone encountered this or something similar?

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