IIF in an Inline IF statement, so only has boolean TRUE and FALSE (ie.
two states). If you want to vary between more use a switch/case setup again
dependent on the mod and rowcount. The nicest thing about the iif() is it's
inline and clean looking in your code; any type of if/elseif or switch
statments are either going to be slightly removed from the line or not look
as nice... but they work.

        // determine row colour based on mod of current query row
        switch (DirList.CurrentRow mod 3) {
          case 0:
            colour = "ffffe7" ;
          case 1:
            colour = "fafafa" ;
          case 2:
            colour = "a1a1a1" ;

        <tr bgcolor="#colour#">

   If you want gradients of a single colour you could also use mod to
generate it mathmatically, instead of a sub type operation.

        <tr bgcolor="0909#evaluate((DirList.CurrentRow mod 3) * 3)#9">

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 15:52
To: CF-Talk
Subject: any ideas?

does anyone know how i can make this tag output 3 colors instead of 2?

<tr bgcolor="#IIf(DirList.CurrentRow  Mod 2, DE('FFFFE7'), DE('FAFAFA'))#">


Jay Patton
Web Pro USA
406.549.3337 ext. 203
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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