Hi there,

Wow, that is a problem. I sort of had something similar happen to me a while 
ago (vaguely similiar, nothing that concrete) but the solution in my case, 
was to get support behind me, in my case, the board. If you have the board 
(of directors, executives, whatever they're called in your company) you 
don't have to worry about a thing.

If your boss knows that this guy isn't doing his job and knows that he's 
trying to snub you out, then you and your boss should be doing something 
about that.

Now, some may say that this is a no no (and you'll have to forgive me if I 
am blunt and misdirected in my idea) BUT why not confront this guy. If he 
isn't doing what he was hired to do, point this out and when that's done, if 
this is a problem that has persisted for some time, point out that he's had 
15 months to correct it and done nothing. (Now what I need is for some 
politically savvy person to put this in political phrasing hehehe).

I guess the thing is, if you're going along just fine, staying under 
everyones radar, doing a good job, people like you etc...there is no reason 
you can't stand up for yourself and point out that this guy is trying to 
screw you over.

I'll describe my situation that I've had (still do really), I just wanted to 
get a decent solution out first instead of boring you all with my story 
first :)

Basically there is this female staff member who wants my job because she 
thinks that she can do a better job at it, and for that matter, give the 
work to her friends. Now, I've been hard at work on this website for 3 years 
and we're finally going to make the jump into the whole dynamic site era 
(yay for cf and me) Unfortunately, because we had a new president, this 
staff member tried to screw with me and become the rogue link in the chain 
of command. So I ended up getting a phone call from her 1 day about how the 
new president wants to take the whole site down, put up an under 
construction sign and then wait for further instructions. Turns out she 
wasn't as smart as she thought she was, I gave the presidents secratary a 
call and I told her what happened, well gosh, no instructions like that ever 
came from the president, or anyone, so take a guess at who go in trouble. 
The female staff member. She didn't get fired (tho I would have if it was 
me) but as a result a few months later, I pretty much had the entire Board 
of Directors behind me (still do) and this staff member hasn't messed with 
me since.

Of course, she refuses to publish the website url in the staff newspaper, or 
anything web related but that's how she thinks she's getting back at me.

Point is, one phone call to the right person and the situation was dealt 
with. I would be standing up for yourself. you don't need to defend WHY 
you're applications should be on somebody elses server. That is their job 
and if you can prove otherwise, it just makes them look bad. You already 
have an enemy, the ASP guys :)

Mark Smeets/stranger0/ICQ #1062196

"Mr. West, not every situation requires your patented approach of shoot 
first, shoot later, shoot some more and then when everybody's dead try to 
ask a question or two" - Wild Wild West

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