actually, it will default to ascending.  you don't need to specify.

chris olive, cio
cresco technologies

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 1:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Driving Me Nuts

You have to specify the sort order.

ORDER BY FormDescrip  ASC

That's all it is. Caught me on that one once too.

Stuart Duncan
MaracasMedia Inc.

At 10:53 AM 1/30/01 -0600, you wrote:
>I have a query running fine on my local server, but it won't execute
>properly on the remote server. It's very simple:
><cfquery name="GetFormInfo" datasource="#request.dsn#">
>SELECT FormID, FormName, FormDescrip
>FROM Forms
>ORDER BY FormDescrip
>The error:
>"ODBC Error Code = 07001 (Wrong number of parameters)
>[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
>Hint: The cause of this error is usually that your query contains a
>reference to a field which does not exist. You should verify that the
>included in your query exist and that you have specified their names
>Any ideas? This is driving me crazy. Running Access 2000.
>Chris Montgomery             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Web Development & Consulting
>Allaire Consulting Partner
>210-490-3249/888-745-7603    Fax 210-490-4692
>AIM: astutiaweb; ICQ: 7381282; Firetalk: Ag78
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