> Thanks. Afraid I'd much rather install any Windows OS clean 
> rather than upgrading, which is another set of headaches. For 
> a new server, of course, it's also twice as fast. I wonder 
> what it would take to get CF 4.0.1 to install directly into 
> Win2k.

It'll install directly in Win2K without any visible problems. In fact, it'll
work fine after installation.

The problem with CF 4.0.1 on Win2K is that it breaks some MDAC components.
You won't notice using ODBC from CF, but will if you try to write ASP code.
You can easily fix this by downloading and installing MDAC 2.6. Enjoy!

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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