Thanks Paul - at least I know to give up now!

I just figured it would be nice to do change control on the database
definitions, because obviously things can get nasty if they get out of sync with
your production server.

Heard anything that might help in that regard?

David Cummins

Paul Hastings wrote:
> > Obviously its potentially dangerous - but I don't like the MS policy of
> taking
> > your toys away because somebody else wasn't playing nice with them.
> well these change from version to version & building apps based
> on them is going to get your butt kicked sooner or later,  also some
> of these catalog stuff (objects) in tempDB and are sometimes
> misleading. these system objects are not always updated in a
> "timely" fashion, querying directly will sometimes return inaccurate
> results (trying to get row counts directly is one example). the littany
> goes on & on. in any case, ms does provide all those metadata sp
> (geez, there's a boatload of them) to query these things. check the
> BoL there's more sp & xp than you can shake a stick at.
> > So as far as you're aware, its not possible? Not even to add triggers etc?
> from the BoL:
> Note
> System tables should not be altered directly by any user. For example,
> do not attempt to modify system tables with DELETE, UPDATE, or
> INSERT statements, or user-defined triggers.
> this was kicked around on one of the sql server lists (forget if it was
> 2k or 7.0) and i believe that this "recommendation" turns out to be
> set in stone.

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