Hello all, i'm having trouble with a query and i was hoping someone could
help me find the solution to my problem. I run a query to get the ids of the
objects a customer has stored. in this case it's two ids. then i run another
query that gets all the details of these items and displays it. i run the
following query to get the details:

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="#myDataSource#" NAME="getDetails">
        SELECT p.Year
                , p.Series
                , p.stockNum
// more and more columns...
        FROM tblPreOwned p, tblMake m, tblWarranty w, tblModel mo
        WHERE p.vehicleMakeID = m.makeID AND p.warrantyID = w.wID  AND (preID=0 OR
                <CFOUTPUT QUERY="getUsedIDs">
                p.preID=#preID# OR
                p.preID = 00)

what happens though is that i end up getting back over 1300 records for the
details query. it returns the same two objects over and over again. i'm not
sure why this is happening and unfortunately my SQL skills are not the best.
If anyone can tell me how to better structure this query to return the
proper results i would greatly appreciate it. TIA.


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