Hi Brendan

Thank you very much :)))
its working good :)
um.. but i wonder why have these 3 lines below;

1. <cfif attributes.result is not "">
2.         <cfset "caller.#attributes.result#"=#currentvalue#>
3. </cfif>

Thank you very much

-----Original Message-----
From: brendan avery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 6:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Page Counter

(may be renamed to whatever you want)
by brendan avery - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.brendanavery.com

---- description
a simple hit counter example.  use only in the context of <cfmodule> or
as a custom-tag.

---- requirements
<CFFILE> must be enabled.

---- attributes
"filename" - string - required - this is the filename to use for the counter
data.  this filename should be the name of the file.  if the full path is
used, the file will be read/written in the directory of the base template.
have different counters for different pages, just use different filenames.
examples usage:

        <cf_simplecounter filename="mycounter.txt">
        <cf_simplecounter filename="mycounter2.txt">
        <cf_simplecounter filename="subdir\mycounter.txt">
        <cf_simplecounter filename="C:\mysite\mycounter.txt">
        <cf_simplecounter filename="#expandpath('mycounter.txt')#">

"result" - string - optional - this is the name of a variable to return
will have a value equal to the NEW number of hits in the counter, or, in the
event of an error, the value 0. example usage:

        <cf_simplecounter filename="C:\mysite\counter.txt"
        total hits: <cfoutput>#mynumber#</cfoutput>

<cfparam name="attributes.filename">
<cfparam name="attributes.result" default="">
<cfset attributes.filename=#ExpandPath(attributes.filename)#>
        <cffile action="READ" file="#attributes.filename#"
        <cfset currentvalue=#Int(Trim(currentvalue))#>
                <cfset currentvalue=0>
<cfset currentvalue=#currentvalue#+1>
        <cffile action="WRITE" file="#attributes.filename#"
output="#currentvalue#" addnewline="No">
                <cfset currentvalue=0>
<cfif attributes.result is not "">
        <cfset "caller.#attributes.result#"=#currentvalue#>
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