> Hi all. I am working with my shopping cart, which runs beautiful 
> on 4.01. I'm supposed to upgrade a customer running on 4.51 on 
> virtualscape to my latest version. I just so happened to install 
> 4.51 on my Win 98 development box the other day to make sure all 
> my apps are up to snuff before upgrading my real server to 4.51. 
> I thought everything was going well, until now!
> Anyway, about every 3rd or 4th time I enter something into the cart, 
> when overwriting what's in there, I get all kinds of wacky errors. 
> The pcode errors, parser errors, all kinds of crap. And this:
> page=CFTempOnlyForSetVariableNeverUseThisNameInYourCFMLCode122
> 333444455555654321
> WHAT THE ^%$&^^ IS THAT?!?!

That's an internal variable name, used temporarily by CF when you use a
CFPARAM tag, or a function which creates a new variable.

> Once that one hits, no cfm pages can be accessed until 
> cfserver is restarted.
> I don't see how it can be the code, because it's nothing fancy 
> where it seems to be choking. It's a simple:
> newbasket = querynew
> queryaddrow
> querysetcell (a few cells)
> Then I turn it to wddx and save it in the client database.
> <CFWDDX INPUT="#newbasket#" OUTPUT="MyBasket" ACTION="CFML2WDDX">
> <cfset client.basket = MyBasket>
> Then I output to variables.basket right afterwards to show 
> the cart contents.
> <CFWDDX INPUT="#client.basket#" OUTPUT="variables.basket" 
> I thought since I only had 64 MB RAM, that was probably the problem, 
> so I ran out and got another 128 MB. No dice. So I installed WebSite 
> Pro and turned off PWS. Still no dice.
> Is this me? Is there a problem with WDDX and 4.51 SP2? Anyone see 
> anything I'm doing wrong that will help me? I'm supposed to have this 
> 2 or 3 hour job done and uploaded by 6 PM and I've been at it since 4 
> AM.

It could be some problem with CF 4.5.x on Windows 98. I suspect it's caused
by Win98's crappy memory management. If you want to do this sort of stuff
locally, I'd strongly recommend using a decent OS. I know that's not what
you want to hear right now, but my guess is that you wouldn't have this
problem on NT or 2K.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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