Thanks everyone

I've got it working... (at last!)

Marcello Frutig wrote:
> Richard,
> below you'll find a VBA code that uses the component AspTear to post a WDDX packet.
> You cand find AspTear here:
> Hope this helps!
> Regards,
> Marcello Frutig.
> -- Astrolabio
> ------
> Option Explicit
> Const Request_POST = 1
> Const URL = "http://.../index.cfm"
> Const ApplicationName = "Application name"
> Sub HTTPPost()
> On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
> Dim MyPacket, PostParam, strResult As String
> Dim MySerializer, MyRS, MyHTTP As Object
> Set MyRS = CreateObject("WDDX.Recordset.1")
> Set MySerializer = CreateObject("WDDX.Serializer.1")
> Set MyHTTP = CreateObject("SOFTWING.ASPtear")
> ' here you build the record set
> MyPacket = MySerializer.serialize(MyRS)
> PostParam = "param=" & MyPacket
> strResult = MyHTTP.Retrieve(URL, Request_POST, PostParam, "", "")
> MsgBox strResult, , ApplicationName
> Set MyRS = Nothing
> Set MySerializer = Nothing
> Set MyHTTP = Nothing
> Exit Sub
> ErrorHandler:
> If Err.Number >= 400 Then
>     MsgBox "Server error " & Err.Number, , ApplicationName
> Else
>     MsgBox "WinInet error: " & Err.Description, , ApplicationName
> End If
> End Sub
> >Progress.... I can now serialize data in excel 2000
> >
> >next step....  to send the packet to the server
> >
> >I've trawled around and some other vb sites and found lots
> >of download scripts, I've even got one of them to work, but no upload
> >ones apart from FTP stuff which is not really what I want to do, (ie
> >post a wddx packet to a .cfm script on the server by http which will
> >then deal with the packet directly).  I simply don't know enough about
> >vba to write one myself from scratch.
> >
> >If anyone happens to have a vba snippett lying around which will do this
> >I would be most grateful....
> >
> >
> >
> >"Scott, Andrew" wrote:
> >>
> >> With these objects you need to include these in the VBasic compiler....
> >> project->components will give you a list of components to include, I don't
> >> recall the exact name for the wddx stuff. However I think this information
> >> is in the Advanced Ben Forta Book....
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Richard Meredith-Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >> Sent: 01 March 2001 05:53
> >> To: CF-Talk
> >> Subject: com & wddx
> >>
> >> Dear all
> >>
> >> (Its been a while since I was on the list)
> >>
> >> It occurred to me that it might be a clever thing to be able to send
> >> data in wddx packets directly from excel 2000 (win 95) up to the server
> >> (if you were online)... BUT
> >>
> >> In my experimentations I have done as asked in the SDK which
> >> comes with CF 4.5 ref installing & registering wddx_com.dll but when I
> >> run the VBA code (code taken verbatim from Forta) it fails on the first
> >> line!
> >>
> >> Set MyDeser = CreateObject("WDDX.Deserializer.1")
> >>
> >> Run-time error '438':
> >> Object doesn't support this property or method
> >>
> >> wddx_com.dll seems OK in the OLE/COM OBject viewer (No idea what I'm
> >> looking for though!)
> >> There does seem to be some sort of problem with xmlparse.dll and
> >> xmltok.dll in as much that I get the message xmltok.dll was loaded but
> >> the DLLRegisterServer entry point was not found etc. when I run regsvr32
> >> xmltok.dll  I've tried deleting & Reinstalling these files but no diff.
> >>
> >> ANY Ideas Please!
> >>
> >> --
> >> Regards;
> >>
> >> Richard Meredith-Hardy
> >> -------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Tel: + 44 (0)1462 834776 FAX: + 44 (0)1462 732668
> >>
> >
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