Try <cfsilent> too.  It's a bit tricky because <cfsilent> will severly
repress your output in that you might have to specify <cfoutput> in cases
where it was before not necessary.

When creating a cf page that talks to flash white space is also anathema,
and I've learned that the combination cfsilent and cfsetting works to strip
out even the most persistent white space.... maybe it will help.

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Deanna L. Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 1:51 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: line breaks in excel
|Hi folks,
|I have a page that is creating an excel spreadsheet using 
|multiple queries.
|What happens is that a bunch of blank rows are generated in 
|between the rows
|with data. This doesn't happen in the plain text file.
|I'd include the code, but it's long cause it's a many-tabled 
|database that
|I'm attempting to flatten for the client. Ugh. I've used 
|multiple loops, and
|it would appear that for each loop that is used, a blank line 
|is added. I've
|tried wrapping all the output in <cfsetting 
|enablecfoutputonly="yes"> But,
|that doesn't help.
|Deanna Schneider
|Interactive Media Developer
|UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
|103 Extension Bldg
|432 N. Lake Street
|Madison, WI 53706
|(608) 265-7923
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