> |<cfset list1 = "1,2,3,4">
> |<cfset list2 = "mom,pop,dad,sis">
> |
> |<cfset counter = 1>
> |<cfloop index="qty" list="#list1#">
> | <cfoutput>
> | Counter = #counter# Qty = #qty#
> |list2 = #ListGetAt(list2, counter)#<br>
> | </cfoutput>
> | <cfset counter = counter + 1>
> |</cfloop>

Yea, I believe a modification of that would work for me.  I suppose I could
put an CFIF in there to check and be sure there wasn't a zero value in on
side of the pair, and if there was, just don't write that one to the

This is a huge form that was completely designed BEFORE I even knew it was
being done. THEN they said, "Here you go, make it so folks can order this
stuff." Check boxes and everything in place. Pure HTML.  Could have
data-driven the thing and been done already, but there's not really any way
to match the weird layout there. That's what you get when the client starts
designing parts of the site himself I suppose.


Les Mizzell
Who Needs Intel?

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