Ideas, suggestions, experiences welcomed...

My company has accumulated a sizable email list and has been using mass
email distribution companies to send newsletters to these addresses.

Due to escalating cost, my managers want to know what hardware/bandwidth
would be required to send these newsletters using an in house solution.
They would be one email per week to a list that exceeds 900,000
recipients. The list is growing at a rate of approximately 3-7%.
Although we don't expect this growth to last forever, we do foresee that
the list will reach the million mark very soon.

The hardware, software and bandwidth recommendations would have to allow
for this type of growth.

The solution would also have to have the same types of features that
these mass emailers have such as email client sniffers, link tracking,
traffic reporting, forwarding reporting, etc.

I am certain that one could write a CF mass emailer, but i really don't
think CF would be the best suited tool for this type of job.

Again, all comments and ideas are welcomed!

Thanks for your help.

Andres Leon

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