I run a chatspace chat server on my website.  I want to put a notice on 
all of the cold fusion pages on the site when someone is in the chat room.
The chatspace server has a built in webserver  on port 8000 which will let 
you run a page that says how many people are in the chatroom.

For example, if you go to:

It will either say "Chatspace" if nobody is in the chat room, or have a 
number that says how many people are currently in the room.

I figured I could use CFHTTP to read that page, look for how many people 
are in the room, and then  insert a message in my Cold fusion pages that 
people are in the room if there are any..
  I can't get CFHTTP to work..
  If I try:
<cfhttp url="" 
method="GET"  resolveurl="false">
  I get a connection error.

IF I try:
<cfhttp url="" method="GET"  port 
= "8000" resolveurl="false">

  The page redirects to the chat page itself.
has anyone ever tried this with chatspace?
Al Musella, DPM

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