>I can see why this idea would arise,

an idle mind?  a stalled mind??  an over-revving mind :))

>DNS == database;
>CF uses databases, but using a traditional DNS model, I can't think 
>of any compelling reasons why
>someone would attempt to do this, beyond idle curiosity.

ah, sweet reason.   :))

>There are, on the other hand, a number of negative technical, 
>security, and performance issues
>that immediately come to mind.

etc, etc.  DNS is one hairy piece(s) of functionality.  Even if you 
wrote an CF-achievable, dumbed-down DNS, what's the point vs BIND and 
all the existing proprietary versions?

What is interesting grist for the CF mill is that BIND9 is being 
delivered with database API using PostgreSQL as the example 
backend.  So I expect CF apps for DNS database admin to appear for BIND9.  (

(BIND9 isn't quite ready for infrastructure prime time.)

But CF as database web admin app has nothing to do with CF app 
functioning as a domain name service/daemon.

Is CF now used for writing Win32 services and *nix daemons separate 
from CF templates and an HTTP services?


http://MenAndMice.com/DNS-training : In Austin, TX; SFO, CA; Paris, 
http://BIND8NT.MEIway.com : ISC BIND 8.2.3 "NT3" for NT4 & W2K
http://IMGate.MEIway.com  : Build free, hi-perf, anti-abuse mail gateways

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