Personally, my advice is to learn everything.  That way you can go one way or the 
other.  Makes you available for
multiple jobs, as well as some places that need multiple skills.

At this point and time, most of the work appears to be in ASP, and there's a healthy 
chunk of Perl out there.
Though you don't wait until you need to a job to learn these skills; it's hard to 
learn enough fast enough.  Always
think forwards.

"Suggest a way out"?  McDonald's is always hiring.   :)

Billy Cravens
HR Web Development, Sabre

Venkata Ramakrishna wrote:

> Hi gang,
> Iam a Cf guy since 1.5 years.I changed my company
> expecting a assignment in US.As the market slowed down
> there,my new employer is making me sit at his place.
> The problem is that he don't have any CF work and the
> other teams wont allow me inside their domain.
> Should i stick with CF or change to some other
> domain?Whats the trend at US?
> Can someone suggest a way out until the US markets
> gear up again?
> Expecting some serious suggestions.
> Thank you.
> Ramakrishna
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