Try #evaluate(DE(<theLinkString>))#

-----Original Message-----
From: Toby Tremayne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: embedding variable name

I'm sure someone must have tried this before me - I can't figure out a way
to do it.

I have a facility on my forum which allows people to select a poem from the
library, and insert a link to it into the message text.  So when someone
reads the message, they can click on the link and be taken directly to that
poem's page.

The problem with this is that obviously all links need to have urltoken
appended to them.  However I can't find a way to insert the variable name
into the url that gets saved in the message text, 

This is what the links look like when they get embedded:

<a href="#self#?fuseaction=lib.selection&poem_id=914&#urltoken#">

obviously I'm escaping the hashes - so it saves exactly the above text into
the database.  But when I display it is displays exactly like that too -
keeping the hashes in the url, so the link is treated as an anchor!!!

I need it to read these variables when the message is displayed becsause
obviously the variable values wil change from person to person.

Any ideas?

Toby Tremayne
Code Poet and Zen Master of the Heavy Sleep
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