It's hard to tell anything from the performance monitor alone, without
knowing what your site does, what the specs on your machines are, etc. 

And what your database is -- 90ms is a long time on SQL2000, but not
unexpected on MSAccess.

However -- if you are getting that spike with EVERY hit (and not let's say
just an initial login, etc.) it does suggest that you could benefit from
caching, either caching pages or server queries. 

If I were debugging the bottleneck I would enable the display of SQL queries
(and time breakdowns) and go through page by page seeing if I could cache
the query or page, or push complicated queries into stored procedures. And I
would pay more attention to the ms count on the debugging breakdown than on
the CF perfomance monitor. In my experience perfmon is a great tool for
rough analysis, but not so good for fine tuning.

Michael Caulfield
Cognitive Arts

-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy Bost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF in Performance Monitor & Database

 I'm running performance monitor on NT to try to pinpoint where the CF
server is being stressed.
It seems everytime someone hits the site, the AVG DB time(msec) jumps up
anywhere to
40 - 90 on the chart. Everything else stays low on the chart.
 Our database server is not on the same machine as the CF Server.
I was wondering if the numbers I see in performance monitor for this is
pointing me to the direction that I need to investigate, which is our
database and/or queries ?

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