
I found that I could do this in  a full blown server development 
environment but that the desktop setup does not work... could be permissions.

Thanks for all your help!

At 05:00 PM 3/31/2001 -0600, you wrote:

>Jim Gurfein wrote:
> >>I tried to do it through a mapped drive in a win2k desktop test
> >>going to a networked win95 machine. While it appeared that CF read the
> >>directory, it did not do a simple listing of the information within an
> >>output statement.
>Off the top of my head, there are only two things I can remember having
>problems with on a mapped drive:
>1) The DirectoryExists() function doesn't work on it (it finds
>subdirectories, but doesn't treat the root level of the mapped drive as a
>directory). So we had code along the lines of if the directory X:\ exists,
>do a CFDIRECTORY, and the code never executed. We fixed that by dropping a
>dummy file in there and checking for the existence of the dummy file.
>2) If you are using mapped drives on WINx, the computer with the mappings
>*has* to be logged in (you can't reboot into that press cntrl-alt-delete to
>log in state we know and love). The mappings are a function of the
>individual login -- if the computer is not logged into to the account you
>created the mappings in, ColdFusion can't see them.
>Those are the two problems we've hit (especially #2 -- the machine will
>reach a critical mass of errors, reboot itself, but not log in, which gets
>messy). If I can think of any other issues we've had, I'll let you know.
>Can you send the code?
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