At 11:05 PM -0700 4/1/01, Karl Simanonok wrote:
>Hi Dick,
>Thanks for your advice.  That's a very pretty site at
>(excellent job on the graphics), but coding the back end in Perl must have
>been a major challenge, I would think.  You must have used text files to
>store the data, instead of using a database, right?

I did use text files... this particular Perl subset had no database, 
nor did it support lists or hashes (structures)

>I'm trying to get a
>handle on how to best design a relational database to handle any kind of
>car part or accessory, have you got any suggestions about that?  If you
>could describe or even just list the columns in your data files (which for
>Perl is really just a way to manage data in a pseudo-database, right?) that
>might help a lot.

I need to be careful here, because the system is proprietary.

You would probably have main tables for:

   Manufacturer Product *
   Manufacturer Product Options *
   Application **

* Product and product options get a little tricky the options can 
determine or affect the product code and the price, e.g.:

    nnn-XX-YYY-nnn  where XX denotes the finish and YYY denotes the size, etc.

    Now consider that each finish/size combination may have a different price,
    and, yet a third option may add to that price (stake pocket cutouts in bed
    rail caps)

** Application (where used) is the key table it denotes where a 
specific product can be used (which Make/Model/Submodel/Year/Subyear 
of vehicle).  I think we averaged about 3.5 applications per product.

I don't know if having a separate color table makes sense... here is 
no standard usage among mfgrs.... one calls it teal, another calls it 
blue or green...

Also, you may need to consider a denormalized database to efficiently 
handle some of the more unusual data relationships.

A parting thought... Each year, many (but not all) of the 
applications will need to be updated to include the new model year.

Another... Just building the Make/Model/Submodel/Year/Subyear table 
is a major accomplishment.



>I'm thinking that Bud Schneehagen's suggestion of a flag field (or several)
>in the Products table that indicates what other (out of who knows how many
>there might ultimately be) tables to look in for supplementary data is
>probably what I'll wind up having to do.  But that seems like a slightly
>kludgy way to do things, something tells me there has to be a better way...
>Karl S.


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