Your Order by Line should not contain:
AND hashottub = 1

Did you assign a value to the checkbox for "Doesn't Matter"?

-----Original Message-----
From: P@tty Ayers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:58 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Newbie problem: Search on Yes/No Column

Randy (and/or anyone else willing to help!) -

Thanks very much. But I've trying this exactly the way you've shown (code is
quoted at the very bottom of this message), and I get an error message,
which I've pasted directly below. Any idea why??

The column name in the database is 'cabinHottub'.. does that belong in the
SQL? I apologize again for these beginner questions.

Again, many thanks for your help.

ODBC Error Code = 07001 (Wrong number of parameters)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

Hint: The cause of this error is usually that your query contains a
reference to a field which does not exist. You should verify that the fields
included in your query exist and that you have specified their names

SQL = "SELECT cabins.cabinID, cabins.cabinName, cabins.cabinCity,
cabins.cabinBedrooms, cabins.cabinBathrooms, cabins.cabinSleeps,
cabins.cabinNightly, cabins.cabinWeekly, photos.photosThumbPhotoName FROM
cabins INNER JOIN photos ON cabins.cabinID = photos.cabinID WHERE
cabinDistance <= 200 AND cabinBedrooms >= 1 AND cabinBathrooms >= 1 AND
cabinSleeps >= 1 ORDER BY cabinName AND hashottub = 1"


> You need to assign a value to the Doesn't Matter such as this
> >           <select name="hashottub">
> >             <option VALUE="0" selected>Doesn't Matter</option>
> >             <option value="1">Yes</option>
> >           </select>
> Then your query would read:
> > <cfquery name="rs2" datasource=#MM_connAsheville_DSN#
> > username=#MM_connAsheville_USERNAME#
> > cabins.cabinID, cabins.cabinName, cabins.cabinCity,
> > cabins.cabinBedrooms,
> > cabins.cabinBathrooms, cabins.cabinSleeps,
> > cabins.cabinNightly,
> > cabins.cabinWeekly, photos.photosThumbPhotoName
> > FROM cabins INNER JOIN photos ON cabins.cabinID =
> > photos.cabinID
> > cabinDistance <= #rs2__vardistance#
> > AND
> > cabinBedrooms >= #rs2__varnumberbedrooms#
> > AND
> > cabinBathrooms >= #rs2__varnumberbathrooms#
> > AND
> > cabinSleeps >= #rs2__varsleepsatleast# ORDER BY
> > cabinName
> > <CFIF IsDefined("hashottub") and hashottub NEQ "0">
> > AND  hashottub = 1
> > </CFIF>
> > </cfquery>
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