I got Windows 2000 installed now. I install the CF Server from the CF Studio
4.5.2. I restart and I get all kinds of error messages such as:

userinit.exe failed to initialize properly

Service - AuthSrv.exe generated errors and will be closed

Service - AzSrv.exe generated errors and will be closed

I can't even get to the desktop and just get an empty screen.

I went into safe mode and uninstalled the CF server and I was able to get to
my desktop without any errors.

Does this many sense to anyone?


on 4/11/01 3:19 PM, Sandra Clark at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Sebastian
> I had a lot of problems running 4.5.x on my Win2k computer until I did the
> following:
> I removed Studio 4.0 completely from my system.  Moved my snippets and other
> customizations (like Help, etc.) to a temporary directory.
> Deleted the 4.0 directory and all subdirectories from my system
> Went through my registry with RegEdit and deleted anything to do with
> CFStudio or Homesite completely.
> Rebooted machine
> Did clean install.
> It cleaned up a lot of problems.  Of course I still have problems (who
> doesn't with this crapola release), but it is markedly more stable than what
> I was working with before.
> Hope this helps
> Sandy Clark
> Shayna Productions
> http://www.shayna.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:00 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Studio 4.5.2
> I upgraded to CF Studio 4.5.2 with Win98. It kept repeatedly crashing my
> system. I had to go back to Studio 4.0.
> Is this just an issue with Win98 or would it be the same story with Win2000?
> I am disspointed in this 'improvement.'
> Sebastian
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