That did not help, now I am getting 14 returns for each record.  Now I am in
Is there another way for me to return just one record.  Do I need to refine
my where clause?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Silverberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 7:24 AM
Subject: RE: SQL Returns

> Well, one way it to use the DISTINCT keyword.  Change your statement from:
> SELECT Products.ItemID, etc.
> to
> SELECT DISTINCT Products.ItemID, etc.
> .... but I'm not sure if that will give you what you want.
> Give it a try and see what the result set looks like.
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Koenig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: April 12, 2001 12:58 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: SQL Returns
> I would like to refine my sql searches down.  From the following sql
> statement I am recieving up to 12 returns of the same record.  How can I
> make this so that there is only 1 return for each record?
>  <cfquery datasource="#datasource#" name="prodpage">
>  SELECT      Products.ItemID,
>     Products.SKU, Products.ItemName,
>     Products.CategoryID,
>     Products.SubCatID,
>     Products.S_Description,
>     Products.Description,
>     Products.Price,
>     Products.Weight,
>     Products.A1,
>     Products.A1Vals,
>     Products.A2,
>     Products.A2Vals,
>     Products.Units,
>     Products.Layout,
>     Products.Key_Word,
>     ProdPics.PicID,
>     ProdPics.ItemPic,
>     ProdPics.ItemPicLB,
>     ProdPics.ItemPicF,
>     ProdPics.ItemPicB
>  FROM        Products, ProdPics
>  WHERE       Products.ItemID = ProdPics.PicID
>  AND   Description LIKE '%#form.keyword#%'
>  OR    ItemName LIKE '%#form.keyword#%'
>  AND   ItemID > 1
>  ORDER BY ItemName
>  </cfquery>
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