
This probably has nothing to do with your problem, but have you checked that
the include is not part of a <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes"> block? If
it's the case, you might want to put your <cfinclude> inside a <cfoutput>
tag pair.

Seva Petrov

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allen Hudson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:15 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: cfincluded select box doesn't work
> The code (at the bottom) is working on our live site.  For the re-write we
> want this select box in multiple places so the code is in a separate file
> which is cfincluded.  But it will not work. The file to be included itself
> works when typed into the browser's URL box.  This behaviour is consistent
> when tested in Netscape 4.6 and IE 5.0.
> Anyone have any insight? (or perhaps slightly different code, that does
> work, that will achieve the same thing)
> <script language="JavaScript">
> <!-- Hide the script from old browsers --
>  function surfto(){
> var URL =
> document.myform.dest.options[document.myform.dest.selectedIndex].value;
> window.location.href = URL;
> }
> //-->
> </script>
> <FORM name="myform">
>   <p align="center"><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
> size="2">
>   <select name="dest" size=1 onChange ="surfto()">
>     <option selected value="#">Select a Vendor...&nbsp;</option>
>     <option
> value="/cf_testing/sarc/attachmate/attachmate-e.cfm">Attachmate
> Corporation</option>
>     <option value="/cf_testing/sarc/diso/corel/corel-e.cfm">Corel
> Corporation</option>
>     <option
> value="/cf_testing/sarc/diso/empowered/empowered-e.cfm">Empowered Networks
> Inc.</option>
>     <option value="/cf_testing/sarc/diso/entrust/entrust-e.cfm">Entrust
> Tech. Ltd.</option>
>     <option value="/cf_testing/sarc/diso/esri/esri-e.cfm">ESRI Canada
> Ltd.</option>
>   </select>
>   </font>
>   </p>
> </form>

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