It is marginal.

There are a couple of really good writers/ColdFusion developers whose
articles routinely grace the magazine. However, much of the articles are
nothing but promotional pieces for software products written by the vendors
of those products.

There are often egregious errors such as missing examples or pictures that
appear 10 to pages away from the article. The layout, in general, is not the
clean, organized design you'd expect from a printed publication but, rather,
the chaotic, half-hearted attempt you'd expect from a Web site. Have a look
at the Web site and you'll get an idea of what I mean.

I signed up awhile back and have been the recipient of their spam ever
since. The content of the messages are not ColdFusion related, but pertain
to their other publications and the products/technologies show cased in

Oddly enough, I've tried to join the ColdFusion mailing list that they
maintain several times. The first time, I was able to participate for a
month or so, but my e-mail address was dropped (I guess). I've not been able
to re-subscribe as the list subscription mechanism on their site doesn't
seem to work properly. Doesn't stop them from sending an advertisement to my
e-mail account every month asking me to join the list. :P

Oh well, my recommendation would be to just read the good articles on-line.
The site is atrocious to navigate, but there are some gems in the content
now and again.

Benjamin S. Rogers
Web Developer,
Voice: (508) 240-0051
Fax: (508) 240-0057

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Fongemie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:06 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cold Fusion Magazine? Any Good?

Hello cf-talk,

  I've seen the Cold Fusion magazine website "Cold Fusion Developers
  Journal" on the web.

  Is the magazine any good? I'm thinking of getting a subscription,
  but have never seen one. Fairly expensive magazine!

Best regards,
 Jeff Fongemie                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet Guns For Hire
(603) 356-0768
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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