Maybe there's no difference in the performance of your applications, but
I've often seen the move from session to client variables (usually in
preparation for clustering) slow down applications significantly. If you
store enough data in the Session scope, it's not practical to just move that
data to the Client scope, as you'll end up with quite long strings.

> For my applications in question, there was no difference.

Session variables are more robust, certainly (when stored in a database),
but they're definitely quite a bit slower.

> I didn't know session vars were stored in a DB, I thought they were only
stored in memory.

This makes sense - otherwise, why
would we bother caching queries and output to make applications faster,
rather than just returning to the database for every data view?

> Ok, I'm not debating whether *anything* should be stored in memory. My
query caching works nicely. My *specific* problem was CF restarting itself
and dropping session vars I was using to keep people "logged into" my
application. I was using them to "maintain state". I found that session vars
were therefore unreliable so I switched to client vars.

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