using a ^ says "not one of these" and using [] says group these together

how about saying if you find something that is not a number or a letter:

<cfif REFindNoCase('^[A-Z0-9]', variable)>
do processing

what you said is:

find 0 or more alpha chars and 0 or more digits next to it

which works with any string on the planet!

I hope this helps!


On Tuesday, April 24, 2001 11:24 AM, JAAV [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, I'm a newbie   :)   but it's a short question:
> How can I check if an string contains alpha-numeric characters only?
> I'm trying to check if a login name (given by the user) is valid or not.
> I'm using something like:
> #REFindNoCase('[[:alpha]]*|[[:digit]]*',attributes.usuario)# but it doesn't
> work.
> BTW, some links of POSIX regular expression are welcome.
> thanks in advance
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