Thanks for all your help!
I do have a correct from field entry.  And my mail
server is not on the ORBS, now what do i do?
I really need to these emails go through to the
webaddresses, such as yahoo, hotmail...etc...
This is the code i use.  If there are any
suggestions..please help!

<cfquery datasource="#ds#" name="EmailList">
        Select *
        From Email

<CFLOOP query="EmailList">
                        from="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"      
                        subject="YallaNesa3ed Notification


--- Dennis Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heidi,
> Be sure that you have valid email address domains in
> the "from field" and
> that it is properly formatted.  The large mail
> providers will reject mail
> from bogus domains or with no return address.  Also
> check to be sure your
> e-mail server is not on the ORBS list
> as an open relay
> mail site.
> To further trouble shoot, check to see what errors
> your mail server is
> receiving when trying to connect and send to one of
> the big web-mail's
> Best Regards,
> Dennis Powers
> UXB Internet
> (203) 879-2844
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heidi Belal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 9:42 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Cfmail
> Hi!
> I have a question regarding cfmail.  It's really
> strange.  I used the cfmail tag to send an email,
> but
> it is not going through to the webemails such as
> excite, yahoo, hotmail..etc..but it goes through to
> my
> pop3 account just fine.
> Does anybody have an idea why that would be case or
> how to fix it?
> thanks!
> =====
> Heidi Belal
> ICQ# 32127109
> A bus stops at a bus station.
> A train stops at a train station.  On my desk
> I have a work station...
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