At 14:19 26/04/01 -0400 Howie Hamlin said....
>Here's a real interesting line from the announcement:
>"The ColdFusion 5 Enterprise and Pro End-User License will no longer permit
>multiple ColdFusion applications and/or sites to be hosted on a single
>ColdFusion server."
>What the heck does this mean?  What is the definitiion of multiple CF
>applications?  If I create more than one application on a server then I need
>to pay more $$$?

Does this mean they may be pricing it to handle one application per 
Domain. Along the lines of some mail servers where you pay more to 
handle multiple Domains?

I do not see how else they can differentiate "Multiple Cold Fusion 
applications".  It is the or sites that sounds like this is what 
they mean.  Or am I way off track.  Perhaps the base price will be 
less and you purchase a 10/20/50 or whatever Domains licence as required?

Certainly sounds like a major change.


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